NAC – First E-Jet P2F Customer


Nordic Aviation Capital (NAC), the world’s largest regional aircraft leasing company, will be a launch lessor of Embraer’s E-Jet Passenger to Freight (P2F) conversions. NAC and Embraer have reached an agreement in principle to take up to 10 conversion slots for E190F/E195F, with first deliveries starting in 2024. Aircraft for conversion will come from NAC’s existing E190/E195 fleet.

The conversion to freighter will be performed at Embraer’s facilities in Brazil and includes main deck front cargo door; cargo handling system; floor reinforcement; Rigid Cargo Barrier (RCB) – 9G Barrier with access door; cargo smoke detection system, including class “E” extinguishers in upper cargo compartment; Air Management System changes (cooling, pressurization, etc.); interior removal and provisions for hazardous material transportation.

The E190F can handle a payload of 23,600lb (10,700kg) while the E195F a payload of 27,100 lb (12,300 kg).
