VIDEO: Renovated Control Tower in Osijek

On May 10 2021, CROCONTROL will start providing tower and approach procedural air traffic control services at Osijek Airport from a new location, the renovated Osijek branch building with a new control tower that has not been in operation since 1991.

This building was built in 1980, but was abandoned at the beginning of the Homeland War when it was used by UNPROFOR until 1995 and has been out of order until today, and the air traffic control service was provided from an auxiliary and inadequate facility located on the roof of Osijek Airport.

In 2020, the old building was reconstructed with a change in the layout of the premises, installation of new installations and windows, and the construction of new insulation in order to increase energy efficiency. A new access road was also built and the parking lot was covered. The control tower is equipped with state-of-the-art consoles for controller working positions, equipment for providing air traffic control services and a system for displaying the traffic situation on the tower without radar surveillance service, which was developed on its own.

The new premises will significantly contribute to the improvement of the working conditions of air traffic controllers and other staff. The reconstruction will improve the quality and safety of services at Osijek Airport. The investment also created the preconditions for ensuring satisfactory capacities for the future development of Osijek Airport.


Also, this investment is a continuation of the systematic investment in quality and safety of services at Osijek Airport, where within the last few years a new communication system, instrument landing system RWY11 and new approach procedures based on satellite navigation systems were installed.
