26.05.2020. – Only 4 active Airbus A380s in the world


As the coronavirus crisis has ravaged the aviation world, some of the aircraft have become, we can say, redundant. In this article, we are targeting the Airbus A380 aircraft. No one wants to have them in the fleet, they are too big, too expensive, with too much capacity. Even in times before all of this, many complained that they were failing to fill an aircraft with so much capacity. Here we are talking about an aircraft with 500 seats. When we look at it, it’s a really large number of passengers. If you’ve ever waited to board an A380, you know how many people it is, how long it takes and why boarding takes at least 15 minutes longer than in smaller wide-body aircraft.

Now, this has come to the airlines as ordered to get rid of these aircraft. Everyone wants smaller, twin-engine, more efficient, more economical aircraft, they want to fly twice with a smaller one instead of once a day with a large aircraft. Unfortunately, four-engine aircraft are slowly coming to an end, at least as far as passenger traffic is concerned. Just to mention the latest Mohicans like the Boeing 747, Airbus A340 and the already mentioned A380, they all replace them with Dreamliners and Airbuses A350. So if you still want to experience a flight in a four-engine plane, you will now have to hurry even more to catch a flight with one of those planes.

Most airlines do not have huge problems with their A380, because they have a maximum of ten, fifteen in their fleet, so throwing them out of the fleet will not cause an earthquake in the fleet, because it is only a few percent of total capacity and easily replaced with smaller wide-body aircraft. But there is a big problem for Emirates, which has 115 A380 aircraft in its fleet. Emirates also based its great development on that aircraft, on the mass transfer of passengers from one side of the world to the other with a stop in Dubai. How well they did we can see in how they managed to raise the airport in Dubai among the airports with the most passengers in the world. How the situation with the A380 will unfold for them remains to be seen and it is hoped that they will keep the A380 in their fleet as much as possible, because others will try to get rid of them completely.

There are currently only 4 active Airbus A380s out of 245 built in the world, so only 1.5% fly, the rest are waiting for better days, but we can only say that their future is not too fabulous.

Active Airbus A380 aircraft on 26.05.2020:

  • China Southern Airlines – B-6136
  • China Southern Airlines – B-6137
  • China Southern Airlines – B-6138
  • HiFly Malta – 9H-MIP

Fleet data: ch-aviation

