Lufthansa’s new cargo route goes around the world

With the newly published timetable, Lufthansa Cargo offers its customers 89 weekly B777F freighter connections worldwide, seven more than in the summer timetable. A significant development in the winter timetable is a transpacific flight: a weekly rotation of a B777F freighter connects Frankfurt via Ho Chi Minh City (SGN) with Los Angeles (LAX) and then returns to the home hub in Frankfurt. This is the cargo carrier’s first direct connection from the Asian market to the U.S. network.

For the winter schedule, the cargo carrier is increasing its frequencies to destinations in India and China to accommodate the continued growth in e-commerce shipments and other goods requiring Lufthansa Cargo’s renowned quality services and solutions. The increase in frequencies is primarily due to the entry into service of the 18th B777F freighter in the fleet, which was transferred from the Boeing plant in Seattle to Frankfurt in mid-August. In addition, the A321F fleet will operate up to 34 weekly medium-haul and short-haul flights connecting our two Hubs Frankfurt and Munich.

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