Three unscheduled arrivals to Zagreb Airport on Wednesday

There were three unscheduled arrivals at Zagreb Airport on Wednesday Ferbruary 24th.

US Navy with Boeing C-40A Clipper arrived from Odessa in Ukraine. (in the picture above)

Russian air carrier Ural Airlines (U6/SVR) has arrived with the Airbus A320 on the flight number U63489/SVR3489. It was a charter flight with football team from Krasnodar. The aircraft will stay at Zagreb Airport until the return flight of athletes back to Russia. (in the picture below)

German air carrier Condor (DE/CFG) arrived with Airbus A320 on the flight no. DE4793/CFG4793. This aircraft arrived empty from Düsseldrof for service and maintance works at Croatia Airlines Technical Services. (in the picure below)

