KLM Cityhopper now has 50 E-Jets in its fleet. The newest addition, an E195-E2, was delivered at a hand-over ceremony at Embraer factory in São José dos Campos.
This is the first E2 for KLM from an order for up to 35 E195-E2s that KLM is acquiring through Aircastle and ICBC Aviation Leasing. The airline currently operates 17 E175s (88 seats) and 32 E190s (100 seats). The new E-Jet is the carrier’s biggest airplane with 132 seats configured in three zones. The forward Business Class section has 20 seats. The main cabin has 8 Economy Comfort seats and 104 Economy Class seats.
The arrival of the E195-E2 introduces considerable cost savings and environmental benefits. These are especially important as KLM pursues its goal of reducing the company’s carbon footprint by at least 50% per pax/km over the next 10 years.
Compared to the first-generation E190, the E195-E2 has a noise footprint that is over 60% smaller. This reduction is particularly relevant at Amsterdam’s Schiphol Airport which has strict noise abatement procedures. The E195-E2’s external noise level is well below future ICAO limits.
The E195-E2’s carbon emissions are 9% lower per trip and 31% lower per seat versus the E190. Those savings really add up. In a typical year, each E195-E2 will emit 1,500 fewer tons of CO2.