EUACA preliminary guideline of slot regulation for the summer 2021

According to the preliminary guideline on the EUACA website (European Airport Coordinators Association), which should be confirmed and final, adjusted slot regulation for the summer season 2021 (S21), should be:

  1. Carriers may hand back complete historic series of slots up to 50% of slots before 8 days after the entry into force of the amended Regulation, which we will refer to as the EU Return Date (ERD) and retain historic precedence for Summer 2022 (S22) without operating these slots (full series waiver).
  2. Historic precedence will be granted to series of slots not handed back by the ERD provided they meet a minimum utilization rate of 50%.
  3. Carriers holding fewer than 29 slots per week on average may hand back all complete historic series before the ERD and retain historic precedence for Summer 2022 (S22) without operating these slots.
  4. Slots should be returned at least three weeks before operation.

Basically, all airlines that have more than 29 weekly slots at Level 3 airports will have to fly a minimum of 25% of the capacity obtained for S21 in order to receive their historic rights for S22 season as well.
