Current passanger air traffic is very limited, but regular cargo air traffic is operated regularly. DHL operates almost daily flights to Zagreb, but ever since the begining of corona virus crisis, from March 11th, all DHL flights are arriving from Frankfurt or Leipzig instead of Bergamo.
Beside regular Boeing 757-200F from DHL company European Air Transport (QY/BCS), we can occasionally see smaller leased Boeing 737-400F on DHL flights to Zagreb. Often, this DHL flights are operated by Bugarian air carrier Cargoair (CGF). This company was founded in 2007 with main operational base at Sofia. They have 8 of these planes and 3 smaller Boeing 737-300Fs.
On Friday April 17th, Leipzig – Zagreb flight was operated with this aircraft with registration LZ-CGX and departured the same day to Skopje. This aircraft (in the pictures above) was bulit in 1996 for Taiwanese air carrier China Airlines (CI/CAL). Two years later it was taken over by Virgin, and operated for three Virgin air companies in Ireland, Australia and Belgium until 2007. From 2007 until 2012 it was operated by Brussels Airlines (SN/BEL) and until 2017 by Polish air carrier Enter Air (E4/ENT). Today it has still the colours of Polish company with a logotype of the new Bulgarian owner.
We have choosen two more Cargoair planes from previous operations:
LZ-CGU was bulit in 1990 for Irish air carrier Aer Lingus (EI/EIN). Since 2002 it was operated by Turkish MNG Airlines (MB/MNB), from 2006 for US air carrier Vision Airlines (RBY), and from 2016, it is operated by current Bulgarian air operator.
LZ-CGR was bulit in 1989 for Aer Lingus as well. During 2000 it was operated by Egyptian air carrier Luxor Air (LXO), from 2001 for Belgian Sobelair (Q7/SLR), from 2004 for Ukrainian Aerosvit Airlines (VV/AEW), from 2009 for Spanish Calima Aviacion (CMV), and from 2013 it is in the fleet of the current Bulgarian air company.
Photo © Marko Kovačićek & archive photos © Boran Pivčić (ZAG)